You are literally one decision away from a new timeline.
When you choose to follow through, you can instantly shift into the greatest chapter of your life.
Pay attention to how your body feels when you think of making a decision.
Does it freeze?
Does it get scared?
Does it feel relief?
Here are 5 journal prompts to help you find the clarity you seek.
I would like to experience _________, but I have been holding back because ___________.
5 things that could go right for me if I go ahead and follow through
5 ways I can release and let go of the fear of moving forward
I feel ______ in my body when I make a decision that aligns
I feel ______ in my body when I make a decision that doesn’t align
Want help finding clarity?
I'm happy to work with you to release deep-seated blocks and help you unlock a new chapter of abundance, joy and fulfillment.
Life isn’t slowing down, get moving in the direction of your dreams.
I’ve developed a special offering to help you release trauma and unwanted energies blocking you from living your most abundant and joyful life.
Align your frequency to it’s highest timeline and get your answers to your burning questions inside my Clarity Reading session.
xo, Jen
P.S. If you are ready to develop and advance your own unique abilities, set up a complimentary call with me here to learn if becoming a Certified Medical Intuitive is right for you.