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Your Natural Psychic ability is...


AKA "clear seeing"

You have clear psychic “vision”. Your angels and guides are constantly giving you repeating numbers or signs like feathers and rainbows.


You’re generally a very visual person and learn by watching.


Be sure to pay attention to your peripheral eyesight, as you might notice an influx of glitter or sparkles out of the corners of your eyes. Those are typically your angels and guides showing themselves to you.


Can you see auras or colors around people’s silhouettes?

more traits of clairvoyants

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​I bet if you closed your eyes and pictured your kitchen with everything you have on the counter, you could do it!


You are creative and artistic. Remembering photographs and short video clips in your mind is a piece of cake! When you visualize financial abundance flowing into your life, you are then automatically matching the high frequency of receiving more wealth!


You also generally notice people, places, and things very well.


Your guides will often be showing you faces, animals, and other items on a regular basis. Also, to-do lists are right up your alley!


Your guides may have “shown” you a premonition too. Either visually in your thoughts or even in your dreams before it actually happens.


Ever seen a ghost? Sometimes your ability is clear-seeing with your actual eyes not just your third eye like a thought.

Tips to grow your wealth

  • Daily journaling: Visualize seeing money flowing to you with ease, journal your visions.

  • Touch your third eye: Visualize it opening up to fully receive financial abundance.

  • Bring Gold into your home: Seeing gold items in your home naturally enhances abundance!

Tools to enhance your Wealth



 Naturally enhances psychic intuition and abilities as well as increases your deep meditative state allowing for full abundance to flow into your life.


Super 7

One of the best stones for full-body chakra clearing and meditation to open your third eye while grounding, also promotes increse in receiving financial gain.



Great for third eye chakra stimulation. Also promotes mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical healing and earning money.

TIP: Place these crystals throughout your home, in your car, under your pillow, or hold them during meditation while visualizing abundance flowing into your life.

Share Your Results!

It's fun and easy to discover your psychic abilities...
Why not bring your friends and family in for the fun?

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